You know that awkward type of situation that humans sometimes fall into where you don't know an acquaintance's name, but you have known them far too long for it to be socially acceptable for you to ask them what their name is? Well, I feel that same level of awkwardness as I begin to write this blogpost. Turns out, I haven't blogged in over a year and a half and now I just don't know where to begin. I can either a) write a year and a half's worth of blogposts to cover all of my doings and don'tings b) write one very long blogpost to cover a year and a half's worth of all of my doings and don'tings or c) write a blog post that has an average-sized list of events slash misdeeds that may or may not have happened in the past year and a half and anyone who reads it can just guess which statements are true and what statements are false. I pick number 'c'- handsdown.
a) I lived in Russia for five months of my life and taught baby Russians English.
b) I lived in China for five months of my life and taught baby Asians English.
c) One time, I had dread locks for ten glorious days.
d) I am now the proud owner of two pairs of brass knuckles.
e) I have lived in Rexburg Idaho for over a year now.
f) I have lived in Provo Utah for over a year now.
g) My parents moved from New Mexico to Utah.
h) My parents moved from New Mexico to Arizona.
i) The other day, a seventh grader mistook me to be a fellow junior-higher.
j) I am an academic advisor for the College Education and Human Development at BYU-Idaho.
k) I changed my major to English Education Composite.
l) I overcame my fear of hobos.
m) I am the 2nd counselor in my Relief Society presidency.
n) My foot went through a wall in our apartment hallway.
o) I broke my wrist.
p) I learned to hulahoop.
q) I discovered love in the form of a baby hedgehog.
So, take from this blog post what you will. There is a 72.3% chance that you now know less about me than you did before you read this, but, you know... it's whatev.
PS By the way, if you ever happen to fall into the previously mentioned awkward situation, an easy way to learn the unknown's name without making a fool of yourself is to introduce someone to the unknown and then pause long enough that the unknown willingly offers his or her name to the person to whom they were just introduced. Win-win situation. DONE.