Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Mustaches to You!

It has been literally months since I last blogged about anything. As I made the decision that it was time, once again, to grace the world with tales of my misdeeds, I had so many blogging options opened to me. Perhaps I should talk about this past semester... Or maybe I should tell a story of the many fabulous road trips in which I have had the privilege to participate... Or maybe I should tell the story of Judith Lowry and defensive driving school.... The option is also there to write of the recent holiday happenings? As I pondered over all of my many options, the correct choice became clear. I should write about the one thing that has had the most impact on my life this past semester- the item that brings me greater joy than any other item in this universe- the item that can provide for endless hours of entertainment.... THE STACHE!!!!!

I first discovered the magical mustache machine when I was at the place of Basha's. I was there to use the ATM machine. As I was staring into nothing trying to remember how much money was in my account slash if I had money in my account slash what the point of money even is, my eyes came into focus and I realized that I was staring directly at a fifty cent mustache vending machine. From that point forward, my life was changed. My actions after this marvelous discovery are blurry. I have no idea if i ever even finished my bank transactions at the ATM machine. All I know is that I have purchased close to fifty mustaches since that monumental day.
Here are just a few of the things you can do with THE STACHE:
Wear it at family gatherings while wearing a mismatching turtleneck
Wear it with some sweet shades and bling-bling
Mock sleeping people while holding a fancy goblet
Go to sporting events- your opponent WILL be intimidated.
Throw cowboy parties at work
This has nothing to do with mustaches, but here is my roommate Kristin and I eating some watermelon.
In conclusion, the Stache is a very worthwhile purchase. However, I must give a warning that once the buying of mustaches begins, it is hard to stop. For example, I have come to the conclusion that I would rather buy multiple staches instead of doing laundry and/or wash my car. SO, if you don't mind doing laundry about once a month and having a dirty car, please help yourself to the Stache machine at Basha's!!!


Sharlee said...

Wendy, think of the money thrown away in that little machine... I think you should invest in a stache machine and place it in a stratigic place on campus. Think of the joy you would bring and the money you would make. And since you started the stache revolution, you deserve it!

Chantz H. Davis said...

Hi Wendy, This is Kathleen (Race's mom). Loved the whole moustache post! Somehow I think Race would like to particpate in that activity or at least get a kick out of you participating. Glad you are doing good! Drop Race a line. he would love it!