When I was in Germany, my lovely friend Kristen Kitchen helped me make some videos for a few of my friends. However, when I tried to email these videos, I found that they contained too many megabytes to email :(
After looking over the videos again, I found that I didn't really want to put more than these three out for the public eye to see because I can't really stand the sound of my voice/my ridiculous facial expressions. So, here are these...
Dear Tanner Michael Gilliland,
This is a video for you.
The accordion player for you best friend because you play the accordion too!!!
Here is an Asian man protesting something.
Sorry about the deleted post. I forgot a word.
Dear Wendy Smith,
That was SO GREAT!!!! My socks have been in Germany! That means I am pretty much European (excepting the mullet and weird pants). How lucky!
Bryan appreciates your generous donation to a fellow accordion player.
Your Favorite and Best Friends
Wendy, can I have your sunglasses? And that is all.
wendy! how happy! i'm glad you didn;t end up like the girls in 'taken'. yikes. hahahahahahappy times.
haha. thanks racey. also, i hated that movie. also, your videos was one of the videos that i didn't want to post because i am sooo bonkers in it. bahaha
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